By submitting personal information to , the user authorizes the processing of their personal data under the following conditions :

  1. Files and Purpose

For the purposes of the provisions of Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data, Clonfactory SLU informs users of the website that the entity processes the personal data of customers and users through some automated files registered with the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

These files, the responsibility of Babyclon®️, are intended to manage the services offered through this website.

  1. Rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition

Interested parties, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable regulations, may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition, by writing to Clonfactory SLU, C/ General prim, 7, 43580 Deltebre or by sending an email to  . In both cases, it will be necessary to attach a photocopy of the National Identity Document or similar documentation that proves your identity.

  1. Treatment of data received

Babyclon®️ will store and process the data through the indicated files.

Babyclon®️ will not share or transfer any personal data to third parties without the prior consent of the user, except for those necessary for the correct performance of the contracted service.

Babyclon®️ can receive communications via email or by postal mail that contain personal data. In these cases, we undertake to comply with our obligation of secrecy, custody and destruction, adopting the security measures established by Royal Decree 1720/2007, of December 21, which approves the Regulations for the development of the LOPD, to avoid its loss, treatment or unauthorized access.

Likewise, Babyclon®️, will proceed to cancel, delete and block the data when they are inaccurate, incomplete or have ceased to be relevant and necessary for their purpose.

  1. external links

The user is warned that this website may show links to different portals outside of Babyclon®️. In these cases, the company is not responsible for the possible data processing that they may carry out on these web pages.

  1. Sending commercial communications

In order for commercial communications to be sent, the user must freely, expressly and unequivocally accept that their personal data be processed by the person responsible for the file. For this, the user who wishes to do so will check a box enabled for this purpose in the form or the mechanism duly inserted in the web page. This will enable the service provider for the following functions:

  1. Send the newsletter or  Newsletter  of the website
  2. Sending of commercial advertising communications by e-mail, SMS or via App, related to products or services offered by the provider. In any case, commercial communications will be made by the provider and will be related to products and services.

The user may oppose the remission of commercial communications at any time by sending an email to or by following the instructions that will be indicated in each communication sent to the user